What Happens if Periodontal Disease Goes Untreated?

What Happens if Periodontal Disease Goes Untreated?

Jul 05, 2022

Periodontal disease is the infection of gums and their surrounding tissues. The infection is caused by poor oral hygiene. This condition affects millions of people but most hardly seek treatment. It may be because the symptoms are mild in the initial stages of gum disease and, therefore, easy to ignore.

You may not be aware of the disease unless you go for regular dental checkups with a periodontist near you. Therefore the infection will spread until the symptoms are easily noticed once the disease has progressed. During this period, your oral and overall health is affected. Find out what happens if the periodontal disease goes untreated.

How Does the Periodontal Disease Develop?

Gum disease is caused by bad dental hygiene. Suppose you do not brush and floss regularly a sticky film known as plaque forms on the teeth surface. The risk of gum disease increases if the person smokes or takes alcohol. If the patient has autoimmune diseases or uses certain medications, they are more likely to develop the disease.

Poor oral hygiene leads to plaque building up and hardening into tartar. The pathogens in tartar start wearing down teeth leading to cavities. Over time, they reach the area where the gums connect with the teeth and enter deep into the gums. The infection kills the surrounding tissue and spreads to the underlying bone. Finally, it enters the bloodstream causing severe issues.

How Gum Disease Progresses When Left Untreated

The disease has four stages, from a mild reversible stage to a severe stage that can only be managed. These four stages are:

  1. Gingivitis

Most people ignore a pinkish color in their toothbrushes when cleaning their teeth. However, bleeding gums is among the first signs of mild gum disease known as gingivitis. Gingivitis affects only the gums that surround the base of your teeth. It is non-destructive and easy to treat. A dentist can reverse gingivitis successfully through professional dental cleanings.

Other signs of the infection include swollen, sore, and tender gums. However, most people do not seek periodontal treatment at this stage as the symptoms are mild. Therefore the disease progresses into the second stage.

  1. Slight periodontal disease

The gum inflammation intensifies during this stage of the disease. You will notice that your gums start to pull away from your teeth in a process known as gum recession. Bacteria from the tartar cause small spaces called pockets to form between teeth and gums.

Your gums will bleed more, have mouth sores, and become painful chewing food. Some people also notice persistent lousy breath at this stage. Sight periodontal disease can be managed through deep cleaning and flap surgery. However, it progresses into the third stage when not treated.

  1. Moderate periodontal disease

It is the third stage of periodontal disease. The infection spreads to your jawbone, causing teeth to become loose. This affects your bite. Your symptoms will also increase to include pus between gums and teeth, a terrible taste in the mouth, and chronic bad breath. Moderate periodontal disease progresses to advanced periodontal disease when left untreated.

  1. Advanced periodontal disease

During this stage, the infection-causing bacteria cause severe destruction in your mouth. Your teeth, gums, and jawbone are seriously infected. As a result, you will feel extreme pain, intense bad breath, tooth loss, and bone loss.

The experts at Houston periodontics treat and manage gum disease. They may use laser therapy, periodontal surgery, and regular dental cleaning. In addition, they prevent further bone loss and restore the lost teeth.

Risks of Untreated Periodontal Disease

Gum disease poses several risks if left untreated. Some of them are highlighted below.

  1. Loss of permanent teeth
  2. Receding gums
  3. Tooth sensitivity
  4. Chronic bad breath
  5. Change in bite
  6. Mouth sores
  7. Changes in facial structure due to jaw bone re-absorption. The lips and cheeks will sink, making you appear older.
  8. A weakened immune system increases the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Treating gum disease is easy, simple, and relatively painless. Avoid the risks associated with untreated gum disease by seeking treatment at Greater Houston Dental Arts. We offer various treatments for different stages of periodontal disease. Schedule an appointment with us to help improve your gum health.

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